The beauty of sleep

I don't know how. I don't. But I went to sleep last night. In my own bed, next to my own husband. Before the midnight hour, even before the cat joined us. That's right, hard to believe, but true.

What's more, I slept there all night. And I mean ALL night. Granted, there were several trips to the bathroom but I was able to get back to sleep fairly quickly after each one. I woke when Scott left for swimming and when he was getting ready for work. I could have gotten up at 8 but gleefully stayed in bed until 9. Since I had been reading in bed before going to sleep, I can state that I spend a solid 12 hours in bed last night. I can't even remember the last time I did that!

I'd like to say that now I've got energy or that I feel great, however that's not true. I do feel less grumpy. That's an improvement. There is only so much an over-due pregnant woman can ask for.


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