Baby Update

Simple version: She's still in me.

Funny version: She has ignored the eviction notice and all further communication. My bro (slumlord extraordinaire) has referred me to a good lawyer. However, my mom-in-law is tight knit with a judge's wife and she is trying to get me in with the judge for immediate action. He's in Idaho so we'll have to see what kind of jurisdiction he has over here.

Medical version: "You're a great candidate for labor. In fact, I'm surprised you haven't had her yet" spoken by midwife. I had my last appointment today, at 41 weeks. The plan is for me to have two non-stress tests (where they check to make sure the baby and uterus conditions are okay) every 3-4 days during the next week. Because of scheduling dilemmas, I had one this afternoon. Everything looks fine, actually, it looks really good. I have one Tuesday afternoon. If everything still looks good at that one, then they will schedule an induction time for the weekend sometime. (depending what's open) They all tell me they hope they don't see me Tuesday. I do too. I would like to go into labor before then. However, she's quite happy in her little home. What's a mom to do! So, we're just waiting....


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