What would Ma Ingalls do?

It is probably bad enough that I bought whole chickens from Costco because they were a screaming deal. Then, I've cooked them, picked off the meat, cooked them again to create chicken stock which I then froze and to get every possible morsel of meat off that bird. Okay, that's not so bad right?

You know you might be taking the "being more green" and "being a better homemaker" thing a bit too far when you are scraping frozen fat off the top of your chicken stock in the muffin tin before removing the rounds to go into a Ziploc freezer bag. O but it gets worse. Yes, it's true. Now, I'd could point out that my stock shouldn't have frozen fat on it because you are supposed to skim off the fat before you freeze it. This is where I admit I stink at skimming fat and you are more than welcome to buy me this.

So as I'm standing in my kitchen on a Saturday night with a teaspoon in my hand scraping at the creamy white fat on top of the popsickle like stock I wonder, "What would Ma Ingalls do with this fat???" There has just got to be a good use for it. It bugs me that I don't know what it is. I guess I'll just have to throw the fat away. So sad.
Then I remind myself, I used more of this chicken then most people would ever dream of. Except not the neck. Because that's just gross!


LOL! I love this post. Maybe Ma Ingalls would make candles with her excess chicken fat? or is that lard? I don't know.

But as the wife of a Chinese chef, we have so much frozen chicken stock (with a lot of fat still in it because it's yummier) in our freezer, we really have to rearrange to add more frozen products, like real meat that we can eat. You're not alone!
Jaimey said…
Found this for you online: The simplest way however, it to chill the stock, and just pick the large pieces of solidified fat off. By the way the chicken fat, schmalz, makes a great sop for bread.

Jaimey said…
OOOOOoooooooooo but this one is soo much better!


Not that you could do this on your own at this point but maybe someday...oh ponder the possibilities!
Random Steph said…

No way! That would be perfect for my VW Westfalla Van that runs on biodiesel that I haul my children and goats around in someday.

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