Votes about the blogging dilemma

Well, it seems that someone besides Snotty reads my blog. Okay, two someones. My MIL and Cowgirl in the City. Might I just add, they are wonderful people and not because they read my blog. So the verdict is that I will randomly post (randomly, is that fitting or what?) whenever I can. We know this equals a bunch at once or about once a month. There ya go.

So, if there is anyone else out their who cares (ie. read my blog), let me know. I might even do something special for you. Or maybe not. See, I'm being a little wishy-washy. What are you going to do about it?


Jaimey said…
Now that I know you have a blog I will read it too. :) How do I subscribe or put your link on my blog page? ~J

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