Why there are no pictures of Sage's first bath

One of the most classic baby photos is of said child taking it's first tub bath. I had every intention of taking cute naked baby pics of Sage taking her first tub bath.

I had no intention of Sage having her very first diaper blowout at Target. At our very first outing by ourselves. Of the complete soiling of her diapers, clothes, blanket and car seat. Oh, and me of course. Right before she would need to eat and be the most cranky possibly. While we were out, away from home, and by ourselves for the first time EVER.

I made it home and got her upstairs and then was faced with the task of feeding and bathing a poop covered child by myself. And cleaning up the car seat in short notice as we had to go get dad from work in a couple hours. I thought about pictures. I remembered the camera was downstairs. (Did I mention I got us and all our poopy stuff upstairs already) While figuring out how to get back downstairs to grab the camera... I realized i would need three hands to bath the dirty baby and who in the world was going to take pictures. Not to mention that I would get wet and water and digital cameras don't get along.

To make the story even more interesting... i pulled her out of the tub to towel dry her. It was then that she decided to pee. (Where did that come from? I didn't think there could be anything else in that little body!) Luckily most of it made it in the tub. Except for what my jeans absorbed.

Honestly, I wasn't worried about dealing with dirty diapers. I've worked with kids before. It never occurred to me that I'd be dealing with being peed and pooped on. No wonder new moms only wear things that can be washed and dried with no special treatment.


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