Not my favorite picture of us. But you can see how yellow she is. She had jaundice. Apparently, this is common in breastfed babies. All the same we were on a three hour feeding schedule. Feed, supplement with formula and pump. This was pretty stinky. Babies who want to sleep do not like being woken up and force to eat. New parents do not like to set an alarm for every three hours to attempt this crazy cycle. Not to mention what pumping is like. I felt like a human cow. The lactation consultant corrected me, I am a dairy queen. I like that better. Even better, I like not pumping on a regular basis. Before Sage's birth, I discovered some funny dads, They did a video where they test out a breast pump, on themselves. It's funny. Really funny. Please watch it. You'll be glad you did. Here it is linked:
Dad Labs Nursing Video