Little reader

She's given up on us. We're SO boring. That and she hasn't worn
clothes since this morn. Just a diaper. She apparently thinks that's
just fine today. And I'm going to say a small child running around in
a diaper seems a lot more decent that a toddler running around in just
undies. I guess we'll have to continue the MM bribery!

PS - the kid's hair is getting crazy long!


Geneva said…
You would be shocked and appalled at our house then. Jimmy runs around naked half the time, and if he DOES have pants on, you can bet he'll shuck 'em off at the first opportunity. He's a born hippy. :)
Random Steph said…
I think I was a little loopy when I wrote that. What I was trying to say is that she looks much more dressed in just a gDiaper than in underware. But it's weird for her to run around in a diaper because we've spent a LOT of time running around nakkid, (or from the waist down) in underware trying to get this toliet training underway!
Jaimey said…
We are having a hard time keeping anything on G too, which makes me NUTS because he is very touchy feely- um with himself... :/ (pun intended?) LOL so undies it is most of the time! I think its cute to just have a g or undies on. We use g's as undies sometimes. no liner or insert. he's all good with it.

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