Nesting... in creative speed.

Here's the real story. I was going to make myself a baby sling. Then I decided to make one for a friend since I had a while to go. The first sling (Tigger tested - see previous post) made it's appearance at the baby shower. Even though I was supposed to have enough fabric to make two that time, I didn't. Well, another friend announced her pregnancy soon after and I thought... "hum, that was easy, perhaps I'll make her a sling too, since I still need to make myself one." I asked her and she confided that she secretly hoped I'd make her one. So that made two. And then I realized how many friends I knew from all over that were pregnant (or delivered in December). Suddenly two slings to create kept multiplying. So, in my nesting-ness, I felt like they needed to be done NOW before the baby arrives. So, you're looking at a picture of six baby slings. Yep, six. I'm sure there are more people who would like slings. I'm hiding from them. Of course, if you must have one, well, I can give you the web address for the instructions. My iron and sewing machine need a serious break.


You rock Stephie! Way to make the "nesting period" of pregnancy so effective and useful! I expect you to rest up and in three years when I have a kid, you can be ready to make me a baby sling! Love you lots!

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