why hello

Perhaps it's the new year but I've been itching to write. And not just any kind of writing, blog posts.
Of course now that I'm here, I hardly know what to say. Perhaps we should make a list of the things going on in my head. And if it's too boring, feel free not the read. In fact feel free to unfollow me. Not that I take up too much space, posting every year or so. :)

- I like Dr. Pepper. A lot. All of a sudden. It's like a pregnancy craving that comes on with no rhyme or reason. I'm not pregnant. I just really like Dr. Pepper.

- Both the kids went down for a nap with no crying. I think the stars aligned. I'm not sure what happened. All I know is they've both been sleeping for over an hour and I've got time to write a blog post. Because I really don't want to get up and clean.

- Perhaps it was the HGTV we watched at my in-laws. But we are reorganizing, redecorating and cleaning out this house. We are motivated in a way that defies explaining. Both of us. At the same time.

- I also want to live more simply. That's about all I can describe it as. I'm not sure exactly what it means, but I want less stuff, more time, more energy and more freedom.

- I also think it actually means I have to be more organised. Cause I do. Everything needs a place to live in the house. Planning needs to be done, for vacations, for weekends, for dinner. And most of all, I need post it notes. Lots of them. And maybe some lists. Because my brain may never ever ever come back.

-Scott's goal is for me to start running this year. I'm humoring him and giving it a shot. Perhaps because if I take it up it will require me to spend time with children climbing all over me and demanding things. It's also a much better hobby than folding laundry.

- If I run, I'm running barefoot. Not literally barefoot, but in the barefoot running style that's all the rage. That's another blog entry entirely. Sorry for bringing it up.

- I want to travel more with the family. See more friends and family that live in different places. We went to DC in Sept. and had the BEST time. I do like to explore new places.

-How can I be a homebody and a person who loves to travel and find adventure? Anybody?

- Still need to write that thank you note to Matt & Leah for hosting us in DC. And that was going on 4 months ago. Doh!

- I've figured out what to do with the photo Christmas cards I can ever bring myself to throw away. Now, I've actually got to follow through and do it.

- I made the coolest up-cycled sweater coat for my sis-in-law for Christmas. My first one. And I forgot to take pictures of it. And I'm not sure she thinks it's as cool as I do.

- I need to post more pictures. Somewhere. Because we take them and sometimes they make it to the computer and then... well, nothing.

Okay, thanks for reading my jabber. If there is anything you want to hear more about, please vote. If you're still reading. If you're still here. Hello?


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