
I've been meaning to post for a while. But don't I say that at the beginning of every post????

I thought I'd just come type and get some stuff out of my head. It can't be any more boring than me not posting at all.

The other day we picked up a roast at Winco that had a coupon on it because it was starting to discolor. But I thought it was fine. Yesterday Scott braised it and slow cooked it in the oven. I'm not a huge fan of beef roast (another story), but this turned out super well. Like really really good. We had picked up some asparagus at the store and so Scott cooked that up in some butter and garlic salt. I love it when he cooks me up some asparagus. It was quite the Sunday lunch.
What was most amazing to me was how much Sage liked it. She had eaten breakfast and snack so I know she wasn't starving. But she asked for more meat two or three times. And devoured it. Like piece after piece in her mouth with juices running down her chin. And the asparagus she picked up spear by spear and just chomped it down. She asked for more until she had eaten all we had. I'm certain she ate more asparagus than Scott & I combined. And she ate a lot of meat too. She's not picky for sure. We found it very amusing.

In other news I've just finished off a box of GS cookies. We only have one box left. Considering we ordered 8, I think I've really done well.

And the most prevalent thing on my mind is this baby. This baby that is still in my stomach. Why, I have no idea. People ask when my due date is and tell me I still have time. Ha! They don't live in this body. Sage was a week late and I was miserable, but just huge preggo miserable. Not this kind of miserable. For the record, this baby just keeps dropping, every week he's a little lower. My pelvic bones are opening up already, so lifting my leg to put on pants is painful.... and several other normal movements as well. I've been effaced 50% for three weeks. And 2-3 cm dilated until this last Thursday when my midwife measured me at 4 cm! She also has warned me that if my water breaks I need to go to the hospital immediately as it won't be long. I have random spurts of contractions that will increase in intensity and be anywhere from 10-15 minutes apart. Then, they will just stop. Most nights I'm awoken at least once in the middle of a hardcore contraction. By the time it's over and I empty my bladder and drink more water, I just go back to sleep. No more. Seriously, it's like labor torture.
My midwife striped my membranes on Thursday and this morning I picked up some Evening Primrose oil and Raspberry leaf tea. Since my midwife is at the hospital monday and tuesday nights I'm aiming to get this boy out. Esp. since it's March. (Scott wanted a March baby because it felt more like spring then Feb.) Although at this point, I feel like I've been having periods of "is this it?" for two weeks. I'm about given up with hoping.
This doesn't take into account the baby's kicking and nuzzling up to my ribs (which is super painful). Or that fact that during the second half of the day I feel miserable after I eat, because I don't think the food has anywhere to go. Then closer to bedtime the heartburn gets bad and I feel like I might throw up. Sometimes I think my stomach has been pushed just up to my breastbone. We won't talk about how often I have to pee.

Thanks for letting me vent. I don't know about those people who like being pregnant. I certainly don't. :) I'm just ready to meet this boy. Seriously, those little feet will be much more cute on the outside.

That's all I've got for now. Just me being in limbo land. Thanks for your attention. Perhaps while on maternity leave I'll post more. Or perhaps we should just expect quarterly postings from me. That might be more realistic!


melyssa said…
Oh, Steph, I feel your pain! Gianni was just like that for me: tons of prelabor (which I didn't have at all with the girls) that only got my hopes up, and he was still a week late. 8 days. 8 freakin longggggg days!!!! Hang in there, your little dude is coming soon. :)

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