Go Orange, Go Big Blue

I got a some friendly grief this morning about my post. Apparently by the time a child is two they should be able to chant "Go BSU!" and "Go Broncos!" ....and I've been focusing on the ABC's.
I thought Cowgirl in the City might like some proof that not all is lost. At the time I received her comment, I turned around and using my trusty phone camera snapped some shots of Sage trying to say "Go Broncos". While you cannot see the wording on her sweatshirt due to the car seat, I would like to assure everyone that her sweats are not just blue and orange, but "official" Boise State gear.

Not that any of this matters. After all Sage is just going to "Party" when she grows up. :)

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LOL!!! Thanks! She is so cute! I'm really laughing out loud at it. Thanks for sharing.
melyssa said…
The first thing Mike taught Gianni was how to move his fat little arms to the chant "go, go, Broncos!"

He now recognizes football so quickly that you can't channel surf past ESPN quick enough.


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