
We went on a lovely sunny (but not too cold) walk today. And aside from coming home with a mud butt, Sage was ready for a snack when we got home.
She stood in front of the fridge saying simply, "snack". While trying to get her to use words (why o why do we try so hard to get kids in their 2's to use words.... it's like herding cats), all she would say is "snack".
So I opened the fridge door and said, "What do you want?"
And she pointed (correctly) and said CLEAR AS DAY, "eggs!"

And four minutes later she has devoured TWO scrambled eggs. At four in the afternoon. Never mind that there are cookies sitting LITERALLY on top of the stove. Cookies I had to move to scramble the eggs.
No, she wants eggs.

Can they get any stranger???


Geneva said…
I truly believe it's their job to amaze and perplex us on a daily basis - I sometimes wonder if Jimmy plans it out in his mind during his nap..."'m I gonna get her THIS time?" :)

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