
I thought I'd post a little note to say I've been thinking of this little blog a lot lately. Almost every day I have an idea for a post. And just about every day I don't even get close to writing it.

You see, part of the problem is time. But most of the problem is perfection.

I don't have any pictures. No one cares what's in my head. I don't have time to proofread. I don't want to think. I can't find the stupid link to where I post on this simply too simple blog. I can't live up to my friends who post so often and/or have really pretty blogs and/or always have great photos..... not to even mention professional blogs that are just so shiny! (Professional blogs... i mean really, what has the world come too?)

So here I am, for all three of you, (perhaps there are more of you than that thanks to Google Reader), telling you that I will make no promises. But I want to write more. And there will not be many pictures most likely. And I'll start lots of sentences with the word and.

holy toledo there are huge crashing sounds outside. Not good when your street is covered in ice. I don't see anything.... okay, back to regular scheduled programing

So, in my head, waiting to make it to computer are tails of woe involving the crazy weather and a toddler climbing out of her crib and making my life misrable.

I'd also like to mention that I commuted for over 3 hours today and I think my husband is tired of listening to me but I really don't talk to anyone else besides my coworkers whom I believe are tired of me.

Okay, all done for now. Thanks for listening. Hopefully you'll see me again this year.


Unknown said…
I give you permission to post without editing! (if you needed someone's permission...)
Random Steph said…
I don't think I need permission but I thoroughly appreciate it!!!
Jaimey said…
Well, lady I officially for the record say that I care what is in your head. :) I am glad you post when you post and if that is all you get around to that is ok too. But regardless if you have stress about it and its not fun then don't do it that moment. Let it go. :) Be free my friend! (hehe)

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