Day of Disaster

I finally got a chance, however brief, to use my new sewing scissors. The ones I finally broke down and bought because my both of my previous scissors had disappeared. I've been using my rotery cutter for most projects but the last creation that just wasn't possible. So, of course now that I've pulled them out and used them, I've discovered my old sewing scissors. And on top of that, I discovered THREE pair of scissors in my craft drawers. Not fabric scissors, but scissors none the lest.

Then, the baby went to sleep. By herself on the floor in the most amazing way! I rushed to grab the coverlet from Ikea that I dyed. It didn't turn out so I have been planning to do a sort of reverse dye with bleach (diluted). I've done this before. In my rush to achieve progress during nap time, I did not think to change my clothes. I managed to get bleach water on my favorite green skirt. No joke. I look down and gasp. It looked bad. The worst part is that I should have know better. I'm not exactly a novice at this stuff.

Currently my green skirt is getting a bleach job. Who knows how it will turn out. It's currently turning a red/burgendy color. Which might be okay.

Some days are just like this. But they stink! My luck the coverlet AND the skirt will look worse. We'll see how it goes....
Wish me luck.


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