The child who refused to sleep

The child who refused to sleep is currently... refusing to sleep.

In other news, she has discovered Tigger. She thinks he's fascinating and feels oh so neat. Unfortunately, her hands know only one action, "grab". Which is often followed by "pull". Tigger is not very thrilled about this. He hasn't bitten her yet. I think he knows. This morning he gave her a good hiss and moved away. Sage followed him with her eyes wistfully. There goes the cat and I don't know if I can really get over there... (which I think Tigger knows as well).

Update: The child who refused to sleep is still refusing to sleep. Currently singing songs that seem like unhappy fussy mixed with enjoyment of using her own voice to create cool sounds.

Whoa, I think we may have sleep. She's getting sleepy. Less noisemaking more sucking on the binky. Dare I say it, an hour and a half past scheduled nap time we have sleep. Now I've got to go. Napping time is precious!!!


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