Revenge of the Blog

Yesterday I wrote about not getting pooped on recently. Do you see where I'm going with this?

This morning I decided to give the somewhat half-asleep child a bath. Because she was due for one and I wanted to wake her up in hopes that she would sleep through my afternoon doctor's appointment. (Which she did.) So, the poor child, who isn't super fond of bathing or possibly the baby bathtub, cried loudly toward the end of her bath. The hunger cry at that.
So I grabbed a towel draped it over my lap (with one hand might I add because the other was still on the child), grabbed the sad hungry baby and proceeded to feed her. Right there, soaking wet, half way over the bathtub. Now I've said you never dance with a naked baby. I'd like to say never feed a naked baby, of course, that's not true. If your baby is hungry and uncomfortable from a bath (and consequently naked), you just feed her.
That's when she decided to poop. While eating. On the towel, you ask. No. Not on the towel, the towel wasn't covering THAT leg. So, some of it rolled off me into the tub. Lucky for me we had the rear towards the tub and not pointed towards the bath mat. Okay, not so bad. Then, she pooped again. She was still eating by the way. Okay, more poop, I can handle that. But wait, we're not done. Then came the fountain of pee. I've heard you have to be careful with little boys when changing their diapers, but this girl can fountain with the best of them. And pee she did. It was getting kind of gross. With that done, she decided she was finished eating and with a contented look she pooped again and passed gas. (Okay, how does that much poop live inside that one small child?!?) Oh brother.
So, I now had a bigger mess to clean up than I started with. Ironic, wouldn't you say. Because the baby's lower half had to be bathed again, and the bathtub and myself cleaned up. Oh, and the baby had to be burped. To avoid future gas of course!

So many adventures.... so little time to blog. *Sigh*


MrMike said…
Wow, that's probably the grossest thing I've ever heard :)

I posted my first blog, we'll see if it sticks!!
Hmm... the desire to have kids immediately has passed (probably temporarily)! I love your stories, and I find myself clicking onto your page several times a day just to check in on you... keep the stories (even the gross ones) coming!

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